INSPO behind The Obvervatory

INSPO behind The Obvervatory

INSPO behind The Obvervatory

The build is gaining momentum and we almost have our first floor brickwork completed! Photos to come of that soon, but I just wanted to share with you the inspo behind the build.

The floor plan design came about on a piece of paper, the way many of our projects have begun! It was a fairly simple process, knowing exactly what we would need in our new custom space.

Getting the external look was by far the hardest part! The problem was that I could see the building in my head, but I couldn't transfer the visual to anyone else's head! The team from Cachet Homes were tasked with the hard job of extracting our ideas to make them a reality for us, while making sure all other elements crucial to a build were met.

I have always had great admiration for the Mid Century homes. Form and function was at the forefront. I was thinking exposed brick, full length double height windows, concrete floors and hopefully some natural stone inside or outside. But it had to have a Palm Springs swing on it with most large structural pieces being white (or close to it).

Here are some design inspo pics......

Above: Spectacular windows in the 'Granny Flat', the update 1967 Robin Boyd Featherston House @thedesignfiles.

Above: Amazing brickwork for this North Balwyn home designed by @matyasarchitects

Above: Love the colour of these Bowral bricks in a @limebuildinggroup project.

Above: Internal exposed brick inspo in the Clayfield House by Richard & Spence.

Above: More beautiful internal spaces from this The 10 Star Home @thesociableweaverhomes. 

Above: Inspo for our alfresco wall - lets make it fun like the Hello House by OOF Architecture.

Above: Staircase love @mm_archphoto.

Above : Front counter inspo from @the.slow in Bali.

Above: A sleek concrete plinth which we will be having near our fireplace! Pic @armadilloandco

Above: Wall climbing greenery for our petite alfresco area like these ones in the Bondi House by Fearns Studio.


Living in an era where the inspiration is so thick and available really is a treat! 

Next week I will start with some photos of the build to date (YAY!).

Until then, stay warm x 

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